Questions and Answers |
Yes, grazing would continue the same as it does today. The proposed legislation explicitly states that grazing is a permitted use in the CMA to be managed under applicable laws and regulations.
Yes. The Coalition supports the ability for ranchers holding grazing permits to use the public lands for grazing. The Wilderness Act makes it clear that grazing shall continue within wilderness areas. Congress has regularly reaffirmed grazing in Wilderness and made it clear that designating an area as Wilderness cannot be used as an excuse to kick ranchers off their allotments or to reduce stocking rates. The continuance of grazing is "subject to reasonable regulations" refers to the Congressional Grazing Guidelines which were put in place when Congress found the Forest Service to be unduly restricting with their management of grazing practices.
The Guidelines allow the occasional use of motorized equipment to repair stock ponds, water lines, fix fence, etc. and with the possibility of new fences, water developments and other facilities primarily for the purposes of resource protection and more effective management. There is also the allowance for the possible increase of livestock numbers if there are no adverse impacts on important land, water, habitat and plant resources. The occasional use of motorized equipment is permitted to maintain supporting facilities and conduct essential activities where allowed prior to designation, as well as in emergency situations. We have copies of the Grazing Guidelines available for anyone interested in learning more.
By providing resources and coordination to better control noxious weeds. Leafy spurge and spotted knapweed can render many range sites useless for cattle production by displacing valuable forage. Grazing capacities for livestock can be reduced 65 to 90 percent from the original productivity. That’s not acceptable and we can avoid it on the Rocky Mountain Front.