
04-Dec-2009 : Poll finds support for Rocky Mountain Heritage Act's Front protection plan

A new survey by a Colorado-based pollster, commissioned by the Wilderness Society, found that Montanans favor, by a 3 to 1 margin, a Rocky Mountain Front conservation plan that includes more wilderness. [read more...]

20-Oct-2009 : Meeting on Front protection draws crowd of 100

About 100 people gathered at the Great Northern Hotel in Helena Thursday night to learn more about a plan to put a new layer of protection to 307,000 acres along the Rocky Mountain Front, plus add 86,000 acres to the Bob Marshall and Scapegoat wilderness areas. [read more...]

20-Oct-2009 : Critics of Front plan call for more wilderness

A plan to conserve almost 400,000 acres of public land on the Rocky Mountain Front was highly praised by some people at its public unveiling Wednesday in Great Falls, but sharply criticized by some conservationists who said it lacked enough wilderness designation for such a pristine landscape. [read more...]

20-Oct-2009 : Collaboration Key to Front Plan

Congress created instant wilderness nationwide 45 years ago when it passed the Wilderness Act, but the recipe for conserving public land today is akin to slow cooking, with more ingredients needed to satisfy varying tastes. [read more...]

20-Oct-2009 : Group Unveils Rocky Mountain Front Proposal

A plan that proposes to add a new layer of protection to 307,000 acres along the Rocky Mountain Front, while adding 86,000 acres in six chunks to the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, was unveiled Wednesday. The Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act is an agreement hammered out during the past three years mainly by people who live along the Front, according to members of the Coalition to Protect the Rocky Mountain Front. [read more...]